Buy and forget Portfolios:
The simplest buy and forget portfolio is 100% in SPY.
Any time is a good time to buy SPY. Over the long term, the S&P 500 has returned 9.9% a year on average since 1928, says
For those who want a more complex buy and forget portfolio:
50% S&P 500 S&P 500 SPY
10% Mid Cap Mid cap 400 Pure Value RFV
10% Small Cap Small cap 600 Pure Value RZV
10% Tech Fidelity Information technology FTEC
10% REIT ETF Vanguard REIT index VNQ
10% Fixed income:
Fidelity Total Bond Fund FTBFX Alternate to fixed income: Vanguard Utilities ETF VPU Second alternative: Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax Exempt VWITX
There is risk in all investments. This portfolio is designed to be diverse, requires minimal adjustment over the years, and have minimal fees. It is designed for readers who understand the various products. It should be rebalanced yearly to be within 10% of the target distribution.
Both the 100% SPY and the more complex portfolio will go up and down over the years. The risk is panic and selling at the bottom.
Keep enough in cash to carry through when the stocks take a dip so that you are not selling at the bottom. Type your paragraph here.
The book Life401 is part of a series of four books. The book Happy in Intensive Care was written as a secular book so that it could be a text in a college it is focused on spiritual and mental health. Happy in Intensive Care Christian Edition is the Christian version. Age Successfully is focused on physical well being. Life 401 is focused on controlling your destiny and living a satisfying life.
Life401 contains both my beliefs as well as knowledge and techniques that I have found useful. I have tried to illustrate each of the things I have found useful with examples from my life. In some cases, When possible I appropriately referenced original sources, however, much of the content has ideas from others I encountered through life and it is impossible to remember all of the sources.
Life 401 is a collection of ways to improve life's journey. Its wisdom comes for the ancient philosophers, more recent observers of life and from my experiences. It includes investment principles, notes about culture, how to have a satisfactory career, tips on voting and what to look for, race relations, capitalism, public speaking, leadership, price of commodities like oil, socialism, language for being class, man and women relationships, slavery from a prospective of 2020, keeping ones integrity, science, religion, World War 4, being an inventor, and predictions of the future in 2040. The book Life401 is part of a series of four books. The book Happy in Intensive Care was written as a secular book so that it could be a text in a college it is focused on spiritual and mental health. Happy in Intensive Care Christian Edition is the Christian version. Age Successfully is focused on physical well being. Life 401 is focused on controlling your destiny and living a satisfying life.
originally wrote Life401 for my grandchildren but have expanded it for the general public. A lot of what I have to say is not politically correct. That does not make it right or wrong. I know that the current climate makes a lot of what I have to say controversial. The political left in academia want to silence much of what I want to say. (Many on the left are now anarchists) Students will not hear much of this in school. If they succeed in silencing enough people, many of these ideas will die and along with the successful free market capitalistic system that has made the United States the greatest country on earth.
I have many heroes: Albert Einstein, Eric Hoffer, Walter Williams, Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Calvin Coolidge, Jordan Peterson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson. Many of the ideas in this book are borrowed from them. I am writing this in the hope that it will, in a small way help to preserve some of their ideas. It is also a reflection of my personal beliefs. I hope it is of value to those that read it. If it makes you think it is worthwhile.
The book is divided into chapters by subject. No attempt has been made to have them in any specific order. The book can be read from front to back or by picking chapters of interest in any order.
This book is intended to be read by someone in grade school, reread by someone in High School, reread later in college, reread when seeking employment, and again when approaching retirement. I am 80 years old and have been through all of that, made mistakes, and in some cases learned from the mistakes. Sometimes I accidentally did the right thing. I also learned by observing people who did not do the right thing. If you read this, you will be able to avoid some of what I and others have learned the hard way. My friend Ralph Cwik helped edit this book. Pastor Phillips helped edit the religion chapter.